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Eight key admin tasks for new homebuyers

In the excitement of buying a new home, it’s easy to forget about the small yet important tasks that ensure a smooth move. Here’s a quick, helpful checklist of eight essential tasks to complete when preparing to move to your new home. 1. Banks With paperless statements and online banking, it is easy to forget … Read more

Montreaux Homes secures new site in St Albans

Montreaux Homes, the home counties division of Montreaux Group, has exchanged contracts for the purchase of the old Jewson’s builders’ yard on Cape Road, St Albans. The proposal for the redevelopment of the former industrial site includes the building of 37 new high-quality homes ranging from one-bedroom apartments to four-bedroom townhouses. Five of the flats … Read more

Montreaux acquires site for new homes in Binfield

Montreaux Homes, the home counties division of montreaux group, has completed the acquisition of a site in the Berkshire village of Binfield that will deliver a boutique development of 21 new homes. Full planning consent is already in place to build 15 homes for private sale and six affordable homes, boosting the supply in this … Read more

Celebrating and considering the challenges of an archaeology journey

As the UK celebrates Festival of Archaeology this month, we have been considering the relationship between this discipline and our own in the housebuilding industry. As caretakers of the land we build on, we have a keen interest to understand the history and background of the sites that we purchase and develop. Archaeology has an … Read more